LinkedIn for Android: The T-Shirt

Today was a banner day for the LinkedIn Mobile team, with the big launch of LinkedIn for Android v1.0.  The application was built from the ground up to be the best mobile experience for LinkedIn on Android, and includes our fastest people search implementation on any mobile device. (It’s already climbing the Top 25 free social apps on the Google Marketplace)

Last year, I wrote a very popular blog post about the importance of T-Shirts at tech companies.  So it makes sense that to celebrate the launch, we made a new t-shirt.  No doubt that this will become the must-have item for  2011.

The front of this charcoal grey t-shirt will sport the following graphic, courtesy of rock star mobile designer Frank Yoo:

The back will feature the logo: LinkedIn for Android.  I love it – something about the little blue LinkedIn droid with a tie is just adorable.

Kudos to the team on a great app, a great launch, and most importantly, a great t-shirt.

5 thoughts on “LinkedIn for Android: The T-Shirt

  1. So did you ever write that blog post about how to make shirts that don’t suck? I really really want to read it!

  2. A tie ?! Wud have been snazzier… if the droid wore the LI Tshirt with the same graphic … ad infinitum ..

  3. Pingback: How To Make A Great T-Shirt: Goals « Psychohistory

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